Budget Beadies Collection

designed by Evelyn McDermand



        Materials for Turtle:
        1 yard ribbon, cord or plastic lacing
        1 key ring or lanyard hook
        10 green pony beads
        8 brown pony beads
        2 tan or light brown pony beads
        2 black pony beads
        Special Instructions:  Pay close attention to the string path when making the front legs. After completing the 3rd row of green beads, add a green bead onto each strand, and 3 brown beads.
        Weave  through only the brown beads with the other strand.  Use one strand to weave brack through the 2 green beads on the 3rd row and through the 3 brown beads again. Continue pattern
        down to the last row of brown beads. Add a green bead onto each of the strands and weave each strand through one brown bead. Both strands should be next to the middle brown bead.
        Add the last green bead as usual and tie a knot at the end of the tail.




        Materials for Frog:
        1 1/2 yards ribbon, cord or plastic lacing
        1  key ring or lanyard hook
        35 green pony beads
        12 yellow pony beads
        2 black pony beads








ŠTerms and Condition of Use: These patterns are provided for your own personal or non profit use at no charge and with no guarantee. If copies of these patterns are made, they should retain the original format including the credit line and these terms of use. Please do not link directly to the patterns, but rather to EvsBeadieCrafts.com